Published 15 May, 2019 02:22pm

Proud parents Wasim and Shaniera Akram celebrate their son's university graduation


Former cricketer Wasim Akram is in the States these days to attend his elder son Tahmoor's university graduation — and he couldn't be prouder.

Taking to Twitter, he wrote to his son, "One of the biggest gifts a parent can give their child is an education and today you have made me so very proud. The world is at your feet, my son, the foundation has been laid, I hope you follow your dreams and build a future of happiness."

Tahmoor has graduated from Alleghany College, a liberal arts college in Pennsylvania, USA.

The father-son duo were also spotted holding up Tahmoor's newly earned degree after his graduation:

Shaniera Akram also congratulated Tahmoor on his achievement, saying "Can’t wait to see what you do next in life and whatever you do you will make it look good!"

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