Eman Suleman wants you to stop saying alleged harassers are 'innocent until proven guilty'

Eman Suleman is known for mincing no words.
Whether it's calling out the prevalent sexual harassment in the entertainment industry or refusing to share a platform with an alleged harasser (Lux Style Awards), the model has become known for tackling social issues and advocating for the #MeToo movement.
In her latest Instagram post, Suleman spoke about how people are so quick to tout the 'innocent until proven guilty' narrative when talking about alleged sexual harassers and abusers.
"‘Innocent until proven guilty,’ most of them say, and I summon my childhood, my adolescence, my adulthood, and I ask them, I ask them how is it that we can prove? How can we prove to the people that these incidents actually happened? What evidence do we have of our abuser, abusing us, our harasser, harassing us? Nothing. We have nothing. We only have memories, and in this lawful (read: lawless) lawlessful world, our memories, our experiences, count for nothing," she wrote.
"We have no proof, thus, we are not innocent, as a matter of fact, we are guilty, guilty of seeking attention, of falsely accusing. ‘Innocent until proven guilty,’ they say, and we call to mind these memories, over and over again, reliving these experiences, these feelings, thinking, no one will believe us, because, we have no proof. There was no camera, there were no people, even if there were, the man who grabbed our butt, and squeezed it with all his might for just a second, did it stealthily, leaving us powerless, frozen, and hurriedly walked away, vanishing in the crowd."
We're glad Eman is talking about this; the reality is that women have a lot more to lose from coming forward with stories of abuse and harassment so the logic that a lot of allegations are false because survivors are seeking attention is incredibly flawed.
Why do we incessantly ask for "proof" of harassment, without acknowledging that most harassment takes place in person and out of sight, not while you're surrounding by cameras?
Unless women are expected to have a GoPro taped to their foreheads at all times, perhaps we can put the onus of proving innocence on the harasser, not the survivor.