Trevor Noah apologises for joking about the Pakistan-India conflict

As the world had its eyes on rising tensions between Pakistan and India following the Pulwama attack, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah put his own humourous spin on it and reported the news with a Bollywood twist.
He joked about both countries' long history of hostility, calling the war "slightly less dangerous" than Cardi B vs Nicki Minaj armed with nuclear weapons.
Also read: These Pakistani celebrities are reacting to the India-Pakistan conflict with restraint
However, what sparked fury was his comment that it would be "the most entertaining war of all time" as well as "the longest — another dance number!" He likened Bollywood dance beats to gunfire and the joke didn't go down well with everyone, with many calling him out for insensitivity and racism.
Trevor has since apologised for his skit:
He also remarked that his skit seemed to have received more attention than the conflict itself: