31.17% of our female readers are overweight. Here's what else our fitness survey revealed
Fitness is subjective.
For many, some form of light activity like a brisk walk is equivalent to staying fit, others consider training hard and eating clean as being fit.
Images conducted a fitness survey to see what Pakistan's definition of being fit is and asked fitness instructors Hydris Wajiuddin, owner Hydro Fit Team and Jeannette Farouque of Studio X to weigh in. From a pool of 2,514 respondents (89.4% male and 10.6% female), here's what we gathered.
31.17% of female respondents are overweight
We asked our respondents to calculate their BMI* (Body Mass Index) and although almost half (45.76%) of the female respondents' BMI falls between the normal range (18.5 - 24.9), 31.7% are in the overweight range (25 - 29.9), while 14.69% are underweight and 8.49% are obese.
Why is BMI important?
Jeannette explains, "It is important to know the BMI of the client during the fitness assessment to guide them to reach their goals. The Body Mass Index accurately estimates your total body fat. And, the amount of fat that you carry is a good indicator of your risk for a variety of diseases."
BMI is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.