Updated 24 Nov, 2016 12:43am

Hamza Ali Abbasi will host a show on BOL TV

"It is time to get rid of the notion that being political or talking about politics is taboo if you are not a politician... Being political is not a profession, not a career... it's a duty, a necessity," Hamza Ali Abbasi captions his latest video on Facebook.

And he's taking this duty very seriously, it seems. The video is a promo for a show he will host on Bol TV.

Hamza Ali Abbasi, one of the most vocal actors in showbiz, is a sought-after TV host with a huge fan following.

His last hosting stint, however, landed him in hot water. Hamza was barred by PEMRA from hosting his Ramazan transmission with Ayesha Khan on Aaj TV, Ramazan Hamara Emaan after he broached the topic of Ahmedi persecution and blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

Hamza stuck to his guns, insisting that these topics should not be taboo.

"Why is Ahmadi such a taboo word? Ideological stances aside, my only goal is that when an Ahmadi is killed or persecuted, the media shouldn't be scared to talk about it," he said in an earlier interview with Images.

This wasn't the first time Hamza's statements caused a controversy.

Following the Kashmir siege, the Pyarey Afzal actor spoke up on Facebook against the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen separatist commander Burhan Wani by government forces in IHK and his account was subsequently suspended on the social networking site.

In an earlier run-in with Facebook, Hamza's post about the Charlie Hebdo attack had also been removed.

One wonders if his new show will be just as controversial, if not more? We can be certain of one thing: Hamza won't shy away from saying what he thinks is right.

We've reached out to Hamza Ali Abbasi for his comments on the show and await a response.

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