Updated 01 Aug, 2016 07:00pm

This American was quizzed about her Pakistan travels and her answers will amaze you

"#ShukriyaPakistan for educating me," she writes on Twitter.

It's a rare sight when tourists engage with fans and followers to change perceptions, they usually let their photos and captions do the talking. But former Goodwill Ambassador to Pakistan, Cynthia D. Ritchie isn't one of them.

Hey from Cynthia!- Photo courtesy: Cynthia Ritchie's Instagram

She didn't just settle for picture uploads to document her travels, she addressed questions and changed perceptions - all through Twitter.

Having travelled across Pakistan - KPK, Skardu, Sindh and Lahore, to name a few - Cynthia took to Twitter to share her photos and engage in a Q&A with inquisitive souls.

People asked if she experienced a change of perception post her travels, to which she couldn't stop gushing about Pakistan and its people.

Cynthia at the police training facility in KPK

It all started when she was invited to visit the country back in 2010. She finally decided to give Pakistan a go.

And boy, was she left spellbound.

Cynthia travelled everywhere, from Kashmir (left) to Rawat Fort in Punjab (right)

From people who live in Pakistan and have never travelled the country (us included!) to people with security concerns, she happily took everyone's questions.

Others invited her again to see places she missed the first time around.

Perhaps the best thing about her tweets was that her pictures uploads were all followed by hashtag #ShukriyaPakistan.

Funnily enough, she was immediately invited across the border.

Here's her two cents for tourists who wish to visit Pakistan:

She now plans to document her travels in Pakistan for a good cause by producing a docu-series about the nation, and capturing “the true spirit of Pakistan," to educate people on a global platform about the beauty, hospitality and kindness of Pakistan.

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