Updated 24 Jul, 2016 02:28pm

Meera wants you to know that she just modelled in Dubai

Meera may be one of our more evasive celebs, but when she's doing something cool, she's not shy about it.

This weekend, she splashed our Twitter feeds with photos of her most recent Dubai experience. (She's done this once before, by the way).

The Hotal actor had a ball of a time in the City of Gold, where she was invited as showstopper for designer Tejas Gandhi at India Fashion Week.

Meera was clearly delighted to be back in the spotlight:

Her excitement did her good - here she is glowing on the runway:

Meera's probably gone through the grind a hundred times, but she took us through the process of becoming a showstopper nonetheless.

Here she is getting coiffed up:

Her makeup team had a fan moment with her:

She's giving her 100% at rehearsals - look at that smoulder:

All that work paid off - she looked like a true runway queen:

So what if she doesn't have the crown?

Meera also made sure Dubai didn't forget she's visiting:

There was also this other secret to her smile:

Now, who can deny the joy of retail therapy?

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