Updated 06 Apr, 2018 09:33am

Who is Qandeel Baloch and what is she doing on my timeline?

Facebook has a new bug, and its name is Qandeel Baloch.

If a friend (or now sworn enemy) hasn't coughed up one of her selfie videos on your timeline, you should consider yourself very lucky – and block possible trolls in advance.

Because Qandeel Baloch is what's going around on the social media circuit. And no one saw her coming.

Once a model and TV actress, she's now a popular choice for Dubsmash and also a fixture on the morning shows for when some extra masala is needed. So vicious is she, that she's succeeded in booing Mathira off the sets!

Yup, she's that catty!

Here's 8 more things to know about her:

1- She was the product of this unholy alliance:

2- Since she considered the above meme a compliment, we know who her inspirations are! We also know who her inspirations are not...

"Don't call me Meera... or Mathira... or whatever!"

3- But competition-wise, it's Waqar Zaka who's her arch enemy:

Qandeel has some strong feelings about the latest in his life

Blasting Waqar for faking his Facebook hack for fame two days ago, she utters a most emphatic "I hate you, b******!" We wonder if she really means, "Wish I had thought of that!"

4- Never seen without 434 layers of make-up, it's no surprise that Qandeel cares about her looks:

Is she marvelous, extraordinary or sexy? This guy thinks she's all three...

5- She really is a glutton for punish... err.. compliments?

"Was missing your ganday comments and galiyan," she says

6- She once had dreams of being a singer:

Remember her Pakistan Idol audition?

Who can forget it? The supposed actress-model-wannabe aunty stood out with style, strode into the audition room atop her six-inch stilettos and promptly debauched a Hadiqa Kiani number to the point that even the pop queen was forced to disown the song!

7- The celeb lifestyle sometimes gets her down:

She's feeling 'marr jao' in this one

8- But she's soon back on her feet:

She has a special message for her 'female haters'!

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