
Still punk: Michael Moore launches #WeAreAllMuslim campaign to counter Trump's call for Muslim ban

Still punk: Michael Moore launches #WeAreAllMuslim campaign to counter Trump's call for Muslim ban

Moore stood with a sign of his campaign slogan in front of Trump Tower and called him a fraidey cat in an open letter
17 Dec, 2015

American documentary filmmaker/political activist Michael Moore, known for his vocal criticism of the Clinton and Bush administration, has now turned his hawk-eyed glare towards business tycoon and Presidential candidate Donald Trump, whose recent anti-Muslim statements have caused a furore in the United States and the world.

Moore has launched a #WeAreAllMuslim campaign to counter Trump's call for a ban on all Muslims from entering the United States.

He kicked off the campaign by standing in front of Trump Tower in New York, the 68-storey skyscraper owned by Donald Trump, with a sign bearing his campaign slogan.

He subsequently released an open letter to Donald Trump, in which he related their first meeting in 1998, in which Trump had been "nervous" to face Moore on a talk show:

Moore begins his letter thus, "[We] met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were 'nervous' about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be 'ripped apart' and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't 'go after you.'"

He continued: "I went up and introduced myself to you. [...] You [...] said to me, 'I just didn't want any trouble out there and I just wanted to make sure that, you know, you and I got along. That you weren't going to pick on me for something ridiculous.'

"'Pick on' you? I thought, where are we, in 3rd grade? I was struck by how you, a self-described tough guy from Queens, seemed like such a fraidey-cat.

"And now, here we are in 2015 and, like many other angry white guys, you are frightened by a bogeyman who is out to get you. That bogeyman, in your mind, are all Muslims. Not just the ones who have killed, but ALL MUSLIMS."

He went on to inform Trump of the changing realities of the United States:

"Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what America actually is today. [...] Here's a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: Eighty-one percent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of color, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In other words, not you. And not the people who want you leading their country.

"So, in desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised to believe that we are all each other's brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or color. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else.

"We are all Muslim."

He also made an apt suggestion to Trump:

"If you don't like living by these American rules, then you need to go to the time-out room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you've said."

Moore invited all like-minded Americans to sign the "We Are All Muslim" statement on his website and post a photo of them bearing a sign that said the same on social media. The campaign is off to a decent start:

Moore intends to send the photos to Trump. "Feel free to join us," he says to him.


analyses Dec 17, 2015 01:20pm
Great words and support from Mr. Moore. Wish everyone think like him.
Sultan Alvi, Toronto, Canada Dec 17, 2015 01:29pm
We Are All Muslim
Sid Dec 17, 2015 01:49pm
I bet you can never see such campaign in Middle East in defense of people of other faith. Good Job Moore.
T Azad Dec 17, 2015 02:07pm
It is people like Michael Moore, who make America what it is, "A GREAT COUNTRY".
mhw Dec 17, 2015 02:13pm
God Bless you.
Mahmood Dec 17, 2015 02:22pm
Here's a man who's not afraid to speak his mind. I commend Michael More for the courage and wisdom to challenge the phobia and narrow-minded dimwits about Muslims and Islam in general. I am with you #WeAreALLMuslims.
Qamar Valliani Dec 17, 2015 02:25pm
Michael Moore - the only person who talks from his heart.
Saqib Dec 17, 2015 02:27pm
Thanks Micheal for being true American
lafanga Dec 17, 2015 02:28pm
Now this is the kind of "In your face Donald" response that is needed here. Trump may shrug this off as he does with everything else BUT this will resonate with most ordinary Americans who are decent human beings. Well done Michael Moore.
Junaid Dec 17, 2015 02:31pm
Great Job Michael Moore! Highly appreciated.
MAN Dec 17, 2015 03:58pm
Great man! I solute to his courage and for smartly leading the campaign to take the ideology of Mr Trump with iron hands.
Skeptic Dec 17, 2015 04:45pm
Donald, if you ever need brain surgery, be sure to stop and ask the physician if he's a 'Muslim' !?
Zul-Toronto Dec 17, 2015 04:55pm
We Are All Muslim!
Changez_Khan Dec 17, 2015 05:18pm
Thanks Michael Moore. There is always light after the darkness, the Muslims needed this badly. The Muslims around the world should work closely with their local authorities to root out the terrorism.
janan Dec 17, 2015 05:47pm
Hi Moore my hat off to you.
pakistani Dec 17, 2015 05:47pm
This is why I love America. God bless the US and the ordinary Americans. I wish Pakistanis and Americans had more people to people contact. I may be alone here, but I do think Trump brings a degree of entertainment value to the show. And also I do understand why some ordinary Americans are fearful. I am also fearful of the gun packing mullahs spewing hate.
AdHawk Dec 17, 2015 06:01pm
Michael Moore was one of the few who dared to openly challenge Bush and the 2003 Iraq War hysteria. His Oscar speech to that effect will remain memorable. Good to see you still got it, Mike.
IJLAL Dec 17, 2015 06:14pm
Experience has shown that hatred and negativity never prevail. Good intentions reap fruitful results. Peace for men and mankind. Thank you; We Are All Muslims & Humans
Zack Khan-USA Dec 17, 2015 06:25pm
I love America. And I am a Muslim.
Abdul Baloch Dec 17, 2015 06:58pm
Thank you Sir. American public is very intelligent to elect a person who will reflect what America is.
Shakir Dec 17, 2015 07:01pm
"We are all Muslim" Thanks Michael for standing up for justice and its the approach as a result of which peace could prevail..
Hamaad Dec 17, 2015 07:27pm
Michael Moore, thanks so much!
aman Dec 17, 2015 07:42pm
Everyone needs to stand against injustice in similar fashion... we in asian countries r very bad at saving our minorities under persecution... shame on us!!
Syed Ahmed, Canada Dec 17, 2015 08:38pm
He has put me to shame.
Ahsan Gul Dec 17, 2015 08:51pm
Mr. Moore is a great activist and person. We are "all Muslims and brother" good eye opener and slogan. But we Muslims have to change our ways and behavior also. We need to think that how do we receive information from media and our reactions. No one can bring respect to Muslims but Muslims themselves. Each Muslim country is being watched by western people and media. Western are not used to violence that is being projected intentionally or real. We the public regardless of any Muslim country shoul stand up to Mullas and their false teachings and our leaders are equally responsible to keep public and Madrasses in line.
Sher Dec 18, 2015 12:12am
This guy is just awesome ..
Mustafa Dec 18, 2015 12:34am
Muqabla to Dil-e-Natawn ne khoob kia. It would not do the Muslims any good but we do appreciate the people with good hearts. Thank you Mr. Moore for your moral support.
khan Dec 18, 2015 12:34am
We are All Muslims. Thanks, Mr. Moore.
BABA Dec 18, 2015 04:09am
Great Job Mr.Moore, very true things spoken, Mr Trump banning Muslims, mexicans, handicaps, women, God knows what else , well he thinks that way , he needs to move to some monotone european country ,because US is made of so many different ingrideints , Trump is ignoring 99.9% Good muslim but based on few bad apples he generalizing. The truth is he is a loser, he not only gonna lose election but his business now going to downfall everywhere,
Syed Huda Dec 18, 2015 06:27am
You are a great human being. A bright light of hope and courage. May God bless you. We are all Muslims.
Saleem Toor Dec 18, 2015 06:57am
Mr Moore is my hero. Thank you and God bless you.
Oh Canada Dec 18, 2015 11:50am
The architect of a Trump tower was a Muslim.
MN Dec 19, 2015 01:25pm
Thank you Michael Moore! Millions support you.
Syed Hasni Dec 19, 2015 11:52pm
Being yourself is the most important element for me, because, if you're trying to be something you're not, the audience will pick up on that- will Champlin. Actully Donald is picking on the Muslims of American because they try to what they are not. Mr Moore is just guiding them what should be their response , just be yourself. Great work Mr Moore.
Hasan Dec 20, 2015 01:40am
Salute to you Mr. moore
N. Rahim -- Toronto Dec 20, 2015 04:16am
@Oh Canada Was he the (late) Dr. Fazlur Rahman Khan?