Published 15 Mar, 2025 11:10am

Zara Noor Abbas is all about self-love on her birthday

Zara Noor Abbas is here to celebrate herself! On her birthday this year, the actor highlighted the importance of one’s existence to oneself and said that it didn’t matter if anyone wanted to celebrate her because she was her own biggest cheerleader.

In a series of beautiful pictures from her big day posted on Instagram, Abbas wrote, “A time came in my life when I stopped placing importance to [sic] my birthday and thought it was just another day and there is nothing to celebrate about it.

“After months of darkness, I stepped into light and realised how important my existence was to myself.”

The Jhoom actor maintained that her happiness couldn’t rely on others’ making her happy, therefore she took the day off to celebrate herself.

Little did she know that her husband and fellow actor Asad Siddiqui, had a surprise planned. Abbas said, “Little did I know, that this man, who speaks very little and looks very deeply, had it all planned. I am all about surprises and this one was the best one ever.”

She added that her loved ones, including her mother, daughter, family, and some close friends, were with her and that it was the best birthday she ever had.

“On my birthday, I was a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. It was full circle. Like everything was in place. Just where it was supposed to be. Just how I am supposed to be and with who I am supposed to be.”

Abbas thanked all her well wishers and said she did not want anything this year except “genuine and heartfelt love and wishes.”

Through her latest Instagram post, the actor has offered a masterclass in not only surrounding yourself with people who truly love, support and celebrate you, but to honour and uplift your own self.

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