Published 07 Jun, 2024 10:52am

Going loco for local: Doodle Inc’s kolapuris just wanna have fun

When it comes to shoes

  1. I have big feet and I cannot lie
  2. I want comfort (and am willing to pay for it)
  3. I believe kolapuris beat all other types (sneakers are a close second)

Doodle Inc doesn’t only tick all three but also, true to its name, has very cool doodles on its shoes. This review will exclusively talk about their kolapuris (because point 3).

I got my first pair as a gift from a friend who dared to get me shoes. While I fell for the quirky “fairytale” design in hues of purple, blue and red at first sight, it was the fact that my feet didn’t tire in the kolapuris after a long day that made me buy three more pairs in one go.

Instead of judging my bulk-buying tendencies, let’s applaud the brand for giving their customers so many options that even choosing three was a tough task.

From Pakola to Harry Potter and elephants to graffiti, the themes are fun and give the kolapuris enough oomph to make them an effortless summertime statement accessory — and we can all agree that everything should be effortless in this heat! Add to that, the kolas are reasonably priced and the sizes are friendly for all types (big and broad included).

Do solid colour, simple kolapuris rule all shoes? Yes. But everyone should have a few non-basic options in their wardrobe, like the cheerful ones from Doodle Inc. So cheerful actually that I started humming “Hey I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything’s alright” the first day I put them on — no lie.

I’d give them five out of five stars.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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