Updated 02 Feb, 2024 04:43pm

Going Loco for Local: Danny’s creamy dreamy peanut butter will make your breakfast pop

Everyone in my house loves peanut butter — except me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good spread for bread but peanut butter just never hit the same way as Nutella or strawberry jam or even good old regular butter. Imported brands like Skippy and Jif are usually too artificially sweetened and cost an arm and a leg anyways. I tried unsweetened peanut butter from a local and a Middle Eastern brand but both were too thick and had a strange processed chalky aftertaste.

Enter Danny’s with their homemade peanut butter with peanuts locally sourced from Parachinar. The only reason I purchased it was to amp up the protein in my protein shakes (gains) and because the grocery store closest to my house had it in stock so I did not need to order it online.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this spread changed my life. As I gingerly licked the spoon after throwing some PB into the blender, I realised this was the best peanut butter I had ever tried. It ACTUALLY tasted good. It ACTUALLY tasted like peanuts.

It was perfectly balanced — not too sweet but not bland either, just the perfect middle ground. According to the Danny’s Store website, only two ingredients go into the jar: peanuts and honey.

The PB tasted great on bread and pretty good with sliced apples. Even my dog, Milo, who usually avoids peanut butter unlike most dogs, seemed to enjoy it quite a bit — and he is a tough critic.

The first jar finished within a couple of weeks and before it ran out I was prompted by my mother to buy another one.


This is some peanut butter we’re not mad at. Check out our review of Danny’s peanut butter over on our website #goinglocoforlocal #dannys #peanutbutter #madeinpakistan

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The spread is quite affordable, with the 150 gram bottle going for Rs650 and the 315 gram bottle for Rs1,000 (excluding delivery charges). It is available on their website as well as at several grocery stores across Karachi.

They also stock chocolate peanut butter, which I am quite excited to try! Definitely give Danny’s peanut butter a shot if you want to amp up your breakfast — or dinner, I don’t judge.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at imagesdawndotcom@gmail.com.

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