Published 04 Aug, 2023 02:23pm

Going loco for local: HERBeauty’s Superkind Brighten and Correct Serum will brighten your day

I’ve been intrigued by HERBeauty ever since I first saw their kiosk at Dolmen Mall in Karachi. Their brand is colourful, exciting and features Pakistani women with a variety of skin tones — how could I not be intrigued?

I picked out two products from their lineup — the Superkind Brighten and Correct Serum and the Earthy Rose Kaolin Pink Clay Mask. I didn’t care much for the mask, but the serum was right up my alley.

It’s basically a niacinamide serum — advertised as 4% niacinamide and 1% blend of tyrostrat and belides. It retails for Rs2,850 for a 30ml bottle and is available at Dolmen Mall Clifton and on their website. I think the price is okay, given the product.

So far, I’ve used up half the bottle. I bought it and started using it in June and I estimate that it’ll last me another month and a half at least, so I’m not too bothered by the price. About 3,000 for four months of use isn’t bad.

The best thing about it being available at Dolmen is that you can go try it out yourself before buying!

I’m a niacinamide girl and this isn’t my first rodeo, so I’ll say it works as a niacinamide should. The one thing that stood out is how smooth it is. The serum isn’t too sticky, nor is it too watery (a problem I’ve had with other formulations in the past). In fact, the product is so smooth I often end up putting too much on just because I like how it feels on my skin. But that’s a me problem.

The brand advertises itself as being cruelty free, paraben and sulphate free, non toxic, 100% vegan and clean and kind. I can’t vouch for all of these promises, but I can say that it doesn’t irritate my sensitive and prone to redness skin at all, which is a major plus. I’ve tried out products from some big name international brands that have had my skin looking like a freshly-plucked tomato.

Another plus point — they mention all their ingredients on their website. I know it’s the bare minimum but not all Pakistani brands do.

Apart from the product itself, I just wanted to give a shoutout to the branding and marketing of HERBeauty. It’s so colourful and eye-catching and you can tell that whoever’s behind it really thought everything through. Even the boxes have cute messages on the inside flaps and from the bottles to the containers, everything feels high quality.

I’ll rate it four out of five.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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