Published 25 Jan, 2023 03:30pm

Brown Velma gets hate in Scooby Doo spinoff but not for the reason you’d think

Scooby Doo spinoff show Velma is officially the worst-rated series on IMDb with a 1.3 rating. Though the controversial animated series seemed to be doomed from the start, Twitter is debating why it bombed so badly. Fending off “racists” claiming that turning Velma brown is the root cause, netizens are explaining it’s the character’s self-hating personality that’s truly unappealing.

Velma, written by Mindy Kaling and Charlie Grandy, dropped on January 12. With four episodes out, it has already gotten a big fat thumbs down from viewers. Kaling is bearing brunt of the hate, having played characters who are insecure in their skin and very similar to Velma. Netizens are pointing out that propagating a negative stereotype of brown skinned people is really not going to get show creators any brownie points for representation.

Is Velma just another one of those outdated Kaling characters?

In a nutshell.

Viewers actually think the decision to make her brown was a good call.

Viewers are openly calling out people for being racist for thinking the show tanked because Velma isn’t white.

Have you watched Velma yet? What do you think?

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