Published 06 Jan, 2023 12:20pm

Going loco for local: Nirvana Botanics’ Whipped Moisture Cream is a real star

I’m going to preface this by saying I love thick moisturisers that aren’t too thick. I know it sounds redundant but hear me out. I believe a moisturiser should be thick enough to give you the moisture you need but not too thick that it’s sliding off your face and making you feel like you’ve dipped your face in an oil well. Enter Nirvana Botanics’ Whipped Moisture Cream.

We were sent a free of charge package containing some of Nirvana Botanics’ products and the one that really stood out was the cream. The packaging is adorable (it comes packaged in a lavender box and the jar itself is heavy glass with a rose gold lid) but I wasn’t too sure when I opened the cream. To start with, the smell (a lavender camomile mix) was so overpowering that I wasn’t sure I would be able to get through the day with it on my face. But I eventually got used to the smell and my concerns were laid to rest.

This cream is a real star, don’t be fooled by the look (and smell of it). For some reason, the cream doesn’t look as if the ingredients have all been mixed together properly — it’s not as smooth as I’m used to seeing creams look. But once you touch it, your concerns will be allayed — it’s as whipped as advertised.

The cream itself is thick. When I first put it on, I was internally screaming at myself for putting something so thick on my face and possibly causing a breakout but it proved itself and my skin was fine. To me — someone with combination-oily skin — this is definitely a winter time cream, or at least something I’d use at night rather than in the day because it’s just that moisturising. I usually don’t need that level of moisture on summer days.

The cream also gives your skin a very nice glow — as advertised. That’s probably in part due to the glycerin in it but also due to the Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide, which is an added bonus.

The Whipped Moisture Cream is not sticky, nor does it leave you feeling too greasy after it sets in. It claims to be 100% organic and natural and while I can’t verify this, I can say that my very sensitive skin didn’t break out or turn red (as it’s prone to do) with this product.

The detailed ingredient list is given on their website, which is great. I hate it when brands try to brush you off with a couple of ingredients.

It’s priced at Rs1,950 for a 50g jar which may seem a bit on the higher side in the Pakistani market but remember, it’s a face cream, not a body cream, and a little goes a long way. Also, I don’t mind paying for a good product.

This gets 4.5 stars with half a point taken off for the intense fragrance that could be off putting for a lot of people.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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