Published 30 Dec, 2022 01:04pm

Going loco for local: Blingspot’s 2023 planner kit is a stationery hoarder’s dream come true

Stationery has always fascinated me and I’m the kind of a person who sees planners as an investment that helps me sort out my life. While for some it may be a splurge item, for me it’s everything I have ever wanted. But a few years ago, I struggled to find them in local markets up until I saw Blingspot’s annual planner series around this time. Initially they’d say that the products are imported but now the brand proudly designs and produces them locally.

Now, as we are to embark on another year, I searched planners on their site about a week back only to find a separate category for the newly introduced kits. I immediately saw a lilac, dated planner and the same of that sort in indigo purple, turquoise, coral, cobalt blue, light pastel pink, light pastel blue and Tiffany blue but one caught my attention and I got it in a heartbeat — a black Wednesday Addams-like planner kit named coal.

In the kit came one dated yearly planner, a calendar, a weekly desk planner, a notepad, gel pen, sticky note, sticker sheet, mini notepad and a bookmark of the same matte black theme with silver and white font.

It may be pricey retailing at Rs4,850 as a kit, but what makes each penny worth it is the quality that speaks for itself. The outer aesthetic and material, and the paper quality are not like your average over-the-counter notebook’s. Most importantly, the quality of paper is not restricted to the dated planner but is maintained throughout the kit, which it makes it even more special. You can also purchase the same items in the kit separately. The dated calendar retails for Rs2,350.

Perhaps the price point could be worked on since it is a local product but either way, it’s a great initiative to come up with your own designs and planners. What I wish to see in the future is something of a neutral range, such as brown and earthy tones or even an ivory white planner-type agenda book to cater to my aesthetic needs. Also, I’d like to see the brand play with the outer appearance by introducing a range of leather or suede dated planner kits.

For now, a black planner will do and I will happily jot down everything I want to achieve in the coming year.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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