Published 22 Oct, 2022 02:17pm

‘It was a life-changing experience’: Ahmad Ali Butt on the birth of his son and fainting in the labour room


Ahmad Ali Butt and his wife Fatima Khan recently appeared on Good Morning Pakistan with their son, Azaan Ahmad Ali Butt. Among many topics discussed with host Nida Yasir was a question for the eight-year-old on whether he would like a sibling. While sharing their thoughts on the matter, both Ahmad and Fatima revealed their birth experience with Azaan. The comedian-actor highlighted how God has made the birthing experience beautiful but at the same time a woman goes through a breakdown and how he saw his wife experience it firsthand.

They appeared on the morning show on Friday and discussed family, their son and if Ahmad would like to have another child. While their son made everyone cackle, Ahmad added, “We were always inclined towards the idea of a small family. Because I also grew up in a family of four brothers and I know how, for parents, it’s like a world war scene to take care of four kids.”

When asked if Fatima was assisted by Ahmad when she was pregnant with Azaan, he added, “I helped a lot. I’m a hardworking husband. Because we were in London, where Azaan was born, I didn’t even know I had to do a course.” His wife added that in the west, they train not only women but men about the birthing experience.

The Jawani Phir Nahi Ani actor added that he went to classes with his wife where he was taught breathing exercises and his role as a husband. Fatima chimed in and informed the host that in the west, “they degrade husbands” for not knowing majority of the things and how midwives are strict with men for not knowing enough.

“He was a completely different man after the birth of our son. But before that we had an eventful experience because in Pakistan men have not experienced anything. I had a normal delivery, and there in the west the husband has to be there to support. So when the process began, one person in the room tilts sideways and faints on the floor,” Fatima said with Ahmad laughingly saying this is why they shouldn’t have another child.

“I have discovered one thing that indeed Allah has made birth a beautiful thing but for a woman, it completely breaks her down. I have seen my wife break down and then rebuild. I would say it was a life-changing experience and when Allah blesses you with a child, He also gives you the ability to be conscious about the responsibilities. She was in labour for two days and it was an experience for me because in my family I had only seen them go and come back with a baby, ever so casually,” said Ahmad.

Ahmad and Fatima welcomed their son in 2014, a year after the couple tied the knot. He is best known as a comedian while some may know him as the famous hip hop rapper of former band Entity Paradigm alongside Zulfiqar J. Khan and Fawad Khan.

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