Published 25 Aug, 2022 01:48pm

Joyland stars Ali Junejo, Rasti Farooq’s new play Both Sit In Silence For A While to kick off in Karachi on Aug 26


We have our eyes on a new play in Karachi at the National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA — Joyland stars Ali Junejo and Rasti Farooq’s Both Sit In Silence For A While, which is described as a dark comedy inspired by absurdist writings.

Both Sit In Silence For A While started its journey in Lahore and is set to come to the port city next. The play is written, directed and co-produced by Junejo who will also star in it. Commenting on the play, he said, “Both Sit In Silence For A While is a play born of many little musings and maybe some reflection. All the fun ‘what if’s’ I could throw at these two, I chucked at them mercilessly. To see what would happen.”

Co-producer and co-star Farooq also said that the play tickles that part of her brain that wants to see people be “unreasonable and merciless with one another” because often that’s the place where most of us hide our private moments.

The play is also being co-produced by Kanwal Khoosat who is also executive director of Olomopolo Media, the company behind Both Sit In Silence For A While. A press release stated that the play toys with the idea of how far one is willing to go for what they want and called it a revolutionary play creating a “new space” in the theatre scene of Pakistan.

The play will start its run on August 26 and will be staged at NAPA for three days till August 28. Tickets are available on Ticket Wala for all three days.

Both Sit In Silence For A While will then head to Islamabad after which the development of the feature film will begin next year in 2023.

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