Published 28 Oct, 2021 11:49am

Yasir Hussain wants you to learn to be polite to flight attendants

Actor Yasir Hussain would really like you to learn one thing today — how to behave politely with flight attendants who serve passengers.

The Karachi Se Lahore actor was travelling when he couldn't help but notice something problematic on his flight. "Today during my flight I noticed that the passengers, and especially male passengers, think that flight attendants who serve us food and pick up our dirty dishes are their servants," he wrote on Instagram.

"This is not the case at all. Learn to talk with politeness. For the love of God, please learn to respect different professions."

Hussain has a valid point. Our society isn't exactly respectful to individuals who work in Pakistan's service industry. This issue was also highlighted by Asad Monga, a chef who works at Test Kitchen by Okra, an upscale Karachi-based eatery. A video of his encounter with a rude desi Karen went viral on social media earlier in October, and for him this became "a great opportunity to shed light on what people in hospitality have to go through".

People in the service industry often bear the brunt of customers' entitlement and rudeness. "Since the pandemic, I feel like the burden of all civility or basic courtesy has fallen on hospitality professionals or other professionals who are in the service industry because people have become increasingly very, very difficult to deal with,” he said.

If it's bad for people in the service industry in general, we can't imagine how difficult it must be for flight attendants who often deal with rude and troublesome passengers. Lets take Hussain's message to heart. It's time we dropped the attitude and learned to be polite to flight attendants who are only there to facilitate us.

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