Published 26 Jun, 2021 01:07pm

Danish Taimoor is ecstatic after being mentioned in Cristiano Ronaldo's celebratory video

Regardless of who you are and what your profession is, when your celebrity crush mentions your name in front of millions of people the only thing you are is ecstatic — and actor Danish Taimoor is a prime example of that.

The Deewangi star took to social media to celebrate his moment of pride after his favourite football star Cristiano Ronaldo hit 300 million followers on Instagram and posted a video that featured Taimoor's comment.

"I have been his biggest fan since Day 1," Taimoor announced. "This morning I was on my Instagram and saw his post on him hitting 300 million followers, and as I watching the video, I saw my name in there and I was shocked. I couldn’t believe my eyes," he said.

"Although being a mature adult, I started celebrating like a kid with Rayan. I still cannot believe it. It’s not just that ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’ mentioned me, it’s my idol, my goat, who mentioned me in his video celebrating a milestone in his legacy. It really is an honour and something I will never forget," he added, overwhelmed with joy.

Taimoor called this one of the best days of his life, thanking Ronaldo for this victory.

With his own little party with his son Rayyan, Taimoor has reminded us that even the most popular celebrities are only humans and often children at heart.

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