Published 07 Oct, 2020 12:14pm

Amna Ilyas wants Pakistani stars to stop promoting fairness creams

Obsession with milky tones and feeding off the 'gora' complex has been a prevalent issue in the subcontinent for as long as one can remember.

While dark girls are kept under constant scrutiny for not being beautiful enough according to societal standards, actor Amna Ilyas is done feeding into this narrative; holding fellow celebrities accountable for not using their said platforms responsibly.

"My fellow colleagues in the industry, time for promoting fairness creams for the sake of money and greed has long passed," she schooled, careful to not take names.

"Our influence as public figures is meant to make others feel beautiful, not less beautiful. Shame on everyone who still subscribes to this way of thinking! #endcolourism

Previously, the Ready Steady No actor took to Instagram to share a message of self-confidence, determined that her skin colour would not be the reason she would hold back from her ambitions.

"My dark skin won’t be the reason I fall. No matter the shackles of colonisation or the microaggressions, I’ll set my goals and achieve them all," Ilyas posted.

You go, girl.

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