Updated 13 Aug, 2020 05:12pm

We asked our followers to share ideas on how to spread joy - here are some of our favourites

Khushi is often equated with contentment -- whether it comes from indulging in a hearty meal with family or friends or sipping on a warm cup of chai while reading your favourite book in a corner.

But what about spreading happiness around?

With the ongoing pandemic, a lot of us realised the importance of having a support system - friends, family, and even people who look out for us in the darkest of days.

A kind word, a helping hand - so much can change and give joy when others look out for you.

We asked our followers on Instagram to chip in their thoughts on how they spread joy and shared happiness with others during this five-month long period of lockdown.

Here are some of our favourite answers!

Supporting small businesses

Cannot agree with this one enough. A lot of small businesses are struggling, and buying from local brands and supporting home-based crafters, artists, chefs and entrepreneurs is a great way of giving back.

Also who doesn't love a little online shopping every now and then?

Donating masks and sanitisers

The threat of coronavirus is still looming over the world, and the only protection we have is maintaining distance and practising good hygiene. A number of our readers shared how they are trying to raise awareness on the pandemic during this time, and how seeing positive results makes them happy.

Distributing face masks and hand sanitisers and educating people around you, especially the ones who are vulnerable, is not only a way to spread joy, but it also protects the masses.

Sending treats to friends

A lot of our followers shared how they have been sending chocolates, gifts, homemade food and cakes to friends now that they haven't seen them in a while.

We agree, sharing lunch with coworkers is something we all miss too sniff

Now is also a good time to make up with an old pal, or catch up with someone who you haven't talked to in a while. We all could do with some socially-distanced love!

Tipping the delivery riders more than usual

It's unfortunate that a lot of daily wagers ended up losing their jobs during the lockdown. With restaurants closed, food delivery services have been a blessing for those who need a meal or snack delivered at home.

One of the ideas shared was tipping the delivery staff more than usual, because these guys have been putting their lives at risk and biking on rain drenched roads just to get piping hot meals to our doorsteps.

We loved this one, and will definitely encourage everyone to follow this too!

Prepping a meal for the family every week

A lot of our followers shared ideas on doing something nice for the fam.

Staying at home for five months straight - we too have newfound respect and understanding for the people in our house.

A great idea to spread joy is to do something nice for the family every now and then - we think bringing flowers, cooking a grand breakfast on Sunday, or ordering in a nice meal are just a few ideas we can all try.

Sharing food whenever, wherever

One of our followers shared a cute story of how their car broke down on their way to a farmhouse during the monsoon rains in Karachi. They ended up eating the food and sharing it with people on the road.

Hope you were all practising social distancing though!

Times of crisis have a way of bringing out the best in people. Helping out those who need it the most, especially people who are working on the front lines, is a great way of doing something great for Pakistan.

What's your take on spreading joy? Watch this video for some ideas:

This content is produced in paid partnership with Peek Freans and is not associated with or necessarily reflective of the views of Images and Dawn.com and its editorial staff.

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