Updated 23 Apr, 2020 05:17am

Saba Qamar launches YouTube channel with musings on isolation


Recently, Saba Qamar released a teaser for her upcoming Youtube channel that she claimed would solely be her vision and it was obvious it would be more than your average vlog.

Now the episode - written by Qamar herself - is out and it's aptly named Isolation.

We're all in isolation after the lockdown but were some of us feeling isolated long before that? Saba tackles existential questions and harsh realities, talking about how it feels like every person is in a race but here we are now, feeling like life has just stopped.

Directed by Shiraz Malik with Masood K. Malik as DoP, the rather well shot video shows the transition of a life full of hustle and celebration to one that's quiet and solitary.

"This is a lesson for everyone," she says. "Consider it charity for the undeserving like you and I. When this hurricane rests, when people reunite, somehow this phase passes, then there will be no regrets. Remember this lesson."

If this is a representation of what to expect from Qamar's YouTube channel, we're excited for the content to follow!

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