Updated 10 Apr, 2020 05:35pm

Ali Gul Pir voices Covid-19 awareness video in Sindhi

With Covid-19 being a global pandemic, it's important to share as much information about it as possible and to raise awareness.

Every country has made its own videos to update the public so that preventative measures can be taken.

Pakistan also has many such videos such as DC Hafizabad's rendition of 'Suno na, suno na' and even includes a music video by the team behind Donkey King. We can have our own album...

Since a lot of the information is in Urdu, Ali Gul Pir has joined hands with Studio Rokhan to creatre an awareness video in Sindhi.

Ali Gul Pir does the voiceover in the video which is extremely creative and gets the information across in a very fun manner.

Studio Rokhan has previously made awareness videos about the coronavirus in Urdu and Pashto as well. It is vital to make facts accessible to all and it's good to see someone take the lead on that.

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