Updated 28 Mar, 2020 04:08pm

Pakistan's fittest trainers are posting home workouts all over Instagram

We're just here regretting all the times we missed the gym because we didn't want to leave the house.

If you like us are incredibly sad about gyms shuttering amid the coronavirus outbreak, we've got some good news.

Some of the top fitness instructors globally and in Pakistan are adapting and giving their communities some hope to latch onto: home workouts.

While movement restrictions are keeping us indoors, we all know fitness has a role to play in keeping people healthy and happy, helps manage anxiety and boosts your immunity. Here's a super simple weekly exercise plan for those wanting to start or continue fitness journey:

Mondays with Mustafa Jamshed

A lot of his workouts require minimal equipment like kettlebells/dumbbells but there are options of just bodyweight movements too. Bonus: the music's always great!

Lets start with upper body. You will need dumbbells for this but you can substitute with objects around the house (like water bottles). Get creative.

Tuesdays with Hydro

If you're not a beginner, you can give this intense leg workout a try; it is not for the faint-hearted but you'll love the burn.

Midweek yoga with Amafah Mubashir

It doesn't all have to be high-intensity (which this can be too, depending on how many times you do it); the idea is to just keep yourself active and moving. This was fun and relaxing. Plus, her voice is so soothing!

Thursdays with Dosti Zahra

The Strength Project posts some killer home workouts anyway but we wanted to share her active recovery flow because it really helped us. Rest days are important y'all! You have to give your body a chance to recuperate and let your muscles heal and repair.

Full-body Fridays with Mehak Taherani

Oof, this kicked our you know what! No equipment required and you can go through it fast but still feel like it was very effective. Win.

Saturdays with Vigilia Dabreo

This core workout had our abs on fire!

Sundays: Rest.

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