Updated 12 Apr, 2020 02:22pm

This campaign is asking us to save water as we fight life-threatening viruses. Here's how

A number of influencers and fitness enthusiasts came together this World Water Day to highlight a simple but very important message: save water.

Part of Culligan's efforts to raise awareness on the subject, these messages are reminding the world that water foreruns our planet's fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are some key messages we came across:

1. Clean water is a blessing we often take for granted

Head coach at Spartan Fitness, Mohammad Munir says, "#BeMindFullWithCulligan this World Water Day and be careful when using water. We are already short of clean water and we give it little to no thought on how we can save it! Turn the taps off while washing your hands, brushing your teeth or even while doing dishes. I’m doing my part, are you?"

Here's the post:

2. By year 2025, we might face an acute shortage of clean water

Anchor, actor and a very Instagram-active celeb, Zhalay Sarhadi says, "These days when washing hands for at least 20 seconds, 8-10 times a day has become a necessity; we have forgotten the water we have started wasting just by keeping the taps running. Wash your hands but do not waste water as by the year 2025 we will be short of clean water! This World Water Day let’s join hands with Culligan Pakistan to #ActForWater and save it!"

Here's her post:

3.Wash your hands as much as you like, but close the tap when not in use

Owner & Head Coach at Impulse, Mustafa Ali Jamshed says, "Wash your hands but close that tap. In this pandemic situation where we have to wash our hands several times a day, no one, literally no one tells us to close the taps while cleaning the hands. This World Water Day Culligan Pakistan has taken this initiative to raise awareness to conserve water and avoid water wastage."

Check out his post:

4. During this lockdown period, it is best to think of how you can give back to the community and the planet

Actor Anoushay Abbasi stepped forward with her contribution to the campaign with a post, and said, "I am really happy to be a part of Culligan Pakistan's campaign. It's high time we #ActForWater and make Earth a better and a happier place to live in. Especially in times of quarantine and self-isolation when there isn't a lot to do, think of ways you can contribute and give back to your community and nature!"

Check out her post:

5. Water and wellness go hand in hand

Dude with signs, Hamza Tariq Jamal says, "#BeMindfulWithCulligan & preserve water! Proud to be part of Culligan Pakistan's campaign in trying to make a difference & you should too!"

Check out this post:

6. Think of ways we can save water

Aden Rehan says, "Let’s take a moment and think about ways we can save water! I have joined hands with Culligan Pakistan this World Water Day to #ActForWater! We waste so much water on daily basis without even realising there will come a day when we won’t even have clean drinking water. I am taking steps to save water, you should too!"

Check out this post:

People appreciated the campaign through Facebook communities

The campaign got online communities, like Karachi Chefs at Home, talking about the importance of saving water and helping others in the days of coronavirus.

Here's a look at what they said:

Why #BeMindfullWithCulligan

We've always heard that leaving the tap on isn't kind on the environment. Today, more than ever, we need to make a pledge to not waste resources in our bid to face this global health emergency.

This World Water Day, Culligan set out to spread the message of preserving our planet's most cherished resource: water.

Here's a message from the brand:

The campaign helped us realise that saving water helps preserve our environment.

As more and more living organisms gain access to clean water, environmental issues like pollution, spread of disease and life-threatening bacteria, and exhaustion of fuel resources is considerably reduced.

For more updates on how Culligan is raising real awareness, head over to their official Instagram account.

This content is produced in paid partnership by Culligan water.

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