Updated 01 Oct, 2019 06:57pm

Shaniera Akram has a name and it's not 'Wasim Akram's wife'


A girl has a name...and it's Shaniera Akram (Tell us you get our Game of Thrones reference).

One of the panels at the 6th Islamabad Literature Festival featured Fasi Zaka, Ali Aftab Saeed, George Fulton and Nadeem F. Paracha, where Paracha repeatedly referred to Shaniera as 'Wasim Akram's wife' rather than by her name.

That's when a woman from the audience chimed in. "She has a name!" she exclaimed, followed by applause.

Responding to the incident, Paracha explained that, "I actually forgot her name, and then wasn't sure what it was. I thought it would be silly if I pronounced it wrong."

Shaniera tweeted a response to what took place as well, writing, "Who is this amazing woman? #SheHasAName You go girl!"

She also responded to another tweet that took a potshot at her:

"If you are talking about someone on stage at a literacy festival, you should at least give them the dignity of a name. And I am not a celebrity but I have earned my name, thank you very much," added Shaniera.

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