Updated 21 Sep, 2019 10:07am

Pakistani celebrities join the Climate March

Pakistan became a part of global protests on climate change, being one of 120 countries to go on a climate strike.

With around 26 cities in the country participating, environmentally-conscious citizens set out to the streets to demand action from their government to address the ecological crisis and rein in carbon emissions before it is too late to reverse the damage.

Among the civilians were many Pakistani celebs who joined the march to support the cause.

Anoushey Ashraf encouraged all to join

She also met Jibran Nasir and Mohsin Sayeed

Shehzad Roy had a point to make

You know Shaniera Akram would never miss it

Khalid Malik had a great poster

Nimra Bucha wants us all to take the pledge

Looks like Eman Suleman and Adnan Malik carpooled

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