Published 20 Sep, 2019 03:03pm

Remember Egg Boy? He's on the cover of Elle Magazine

It seems like only yesterday that Egg Boy was making the rounds on social media.

Will Connolly became an online hero when he cracked an egg on an Australian senator who sparked outrage by blaming Muslim immigration for the tragic New Zealand mosque shootings.

Senator Fraser Anning had drawn criticism for asking, "Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?" while also stating, "The real cause of the bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration programme which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

Connolly's move prompted the senator to attack him quite violently but young Egg Boy was still lauded for his protest. While he was arrested on the spot, he was released without any charges pressed and garnered a huge following. Even the Australian Prime Minister took his side, calling the senator out for his remarks and retaliation to the egging.

Now, young Will has shared that he got featured on Elle Magazine under the tag 'Rebel with a cause' and he got the cover too.

Said 17-year-old, "Grateful and thankful that I was asked to be in Elle Magazine's 'most talked about movers, shakers and change makers' article... Rebel with a cause. Enough said."

Enough said indeed. Go Egg Boy!

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