Published 11 Jun, 2019 04:53pm

Adnan Sami's Twitter account has also been hacked

These hackers are relentless!

A day after Amitabh Bachchan's Twitter account was hacked (and recovered), it seems like the same group has now targeted Adnan Sami's account on the social networking site.

Like with Big B, the group changed the singer's display picture to one of Imran Khan and they really seem to be rooting for Pakistan:

"We would be happy to be visit our brother country Pakistan and have a cup of tea with your esteemed Prime Minister. This will be a great opportunity to visit your country and meet our brothers. @ImranKhanPTI" read one tweet.

More spam followed:

And we're just as confused as you are. Seriously people, this is why you need two-step verification on all your social media accounts!

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