Published 06 Jun, 2019 06:39pm

Harvey Weinstein crossed boundaries when we worked together: Madonna


Madonna has opened up about Harvey Weinstein and she's glad he's being held accountable for his actions.

In an interview with The New York Times, the singer said, “Harvey crossed lines and boundaries and was incredibly sexually flirtatious and forward with me when we were working together; he was married at the time, and I certainly wasn’t interested.”

She added, “I was aware that he did the same with a lot of other women that I knew in the business. And we were all, ‘Harvey gets to do that because he’s got so much power and he’s so successful and his movies do so well and everybody wants to work with him, so you have to put up with it.’ So that was it.

“So when it happened [the sexual assault allegations], I was really like, ‘Finally.’ I wasn’t cheering from the rafters because I’m never going to cheer for someone’s demise. I don’t think that’s good karma anyway. But it was good that somebody who had been abusing his power for so many years was called out and held accountable.”

And she didn't stop there. She also talked about Donald Trump's weak character owing to his alpha male.

“They’re overcompensating for how insecure they feel — a man who is secure with himself, a human who is secure with themselves, doesn’t have to go around bullying people all the time.”

Madonna says the same applies to alpha women. “It’s good to be strong, but again, it’s always about, where’s that strength coming from? What are your intentions? What is the context that you’re using your strength in? Are you abusing your power? Women can also abuse their power. And if that’s also backed up by a lack of intelligence, emotional or intellectual, a lack of life experience, a lack of compassion, then it’s really a bad mixture.”

Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein -- the 65-year-old film executive who co-founded studios Miramax and The Weinstein Company and has brought us such films as Pulp Fiction (1994), Gangs of New York (2002) and the most recent Django Unchained (2012) -- is in the centre of a sexual harassment and assault scandal that's rocked all of the American film industry since it surfaced in 2017.

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