Are Asim Azhar and Hania Aamir dating? Here's what the singer has to say

It's hard to ignore Hania and Asim's cute Instagram posts together and after their FPW act, people want them to spill the beans.
In an interview with Haroon Rashid for the BBC Asian Network, Asim Azhar was asked what his equation with Hania Aamir really is and he said:
"You see my heart beating really fast?"
"I don't think I'm in a position to answer that causally or frankly," he added. "I feel like she's the kind of person who brings a lot of positivity in my life, It's so much fun being around her. We're always laughing. We're always just messing around. It's nice to have someone be genuinely supportive towards whatever you do."
Asim dismissed the notion that he wasn't giving a clear cut answer due to social pressure.
"The only reason for me to be however I am right now is only because I respect her. Any comment, whether yes or no I would want her consent. I don't want to say something on my own then have the other person say, 'I'm also involved in this equation, whatever question was asked'."
"I've been getting a lot of comments, 'You've been posting a lot of pictures together and this and that.' I just tell them I appreciate your concern but it brings me peace. If I had the choice of peace of heart over something else, I would always go with my peace of heart. If that has to do with me posting pictures and sharing moments of that I want to share with the world, let it be.
"The reason I did a telefilm [with Hania] is because it was a great project and it was an opportunity to spend more time with a person I like hanging out with," not for some marketing gimmick he tells Haroon.
Speaking on the dating culture in Pakistan, he said, "Some time ago it would be some kind of taboo and I feel like now we're moving towards a progressive society I hope we can progress further, but it's great to see that we're finally progressing towards a society that's open to each other's opinion."