Updated 01 Mar, 2019 01:09pm

Hellboy's latest trailer puts fans at ease because it's actually good

The new Hellboy has been toying with our emotions but now we feel it's definitely going somewhere good.

We were excited when David Harbour of Stranger Things fame was cast for the role and his first look came out. He looked the part!

But then came the first teaser full of tongue-in-cheek humour which - despite laughing at - did go overboard.

Now, the film has dropped a proper trailer and by proper we mean it finally gives us something to look forward to, especially if you're a metalhead.

The new Hellboy has its fair share of origin tales as we get a glimpse of young Hellboy and are expecting to see him grow. Harbour as Hellboy is doing a really good job and so far the rest of the cast including Milla Jovovich and Ian McShane are standing out as well.

Sure, the film's graphics could be better but knowing this to be lesser-budget film, we're impressed with all that has been done and also care more about what those visuals deliver in terms of art direction and purpose in the movie. And considering it all looks like a metal album came to life, we don't mind at all.

Hellboy will be in cinema April 12.

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