Published 01 Aug, 2018 04:53pm

Bharat director Ali Abbas Zafar says he was joking about Priyanka's engagement

Guess Priyanka fans shouldn't be taking other people's word for her rumoured engagement with Nick Jonas.

Bharat director Ali Abbas Zafar is now saying that his tweet about Priyanka Chopra's departure only jokingly made a reference to Nick Jonas.

According to Filmfare, he said, “I haven’t given away anything. It’s called a sense of humour. As I said in my tweet, Priyanka had made a choice, because something very special was coming into her life. With all our heart and happiness and love, we’ve only wished her happiness.”

ICYMI, this was his tweet:

Many took this tweet to stand for an inside confirmation of rumours about Priyanka and Nick's engagement. But that appears to not be the case. According to new rumours, the two may be singing a song together. Let's see what becomes of this gossip.

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