Published 22 Jan, 2018 04:24pm

11 of our favourite signs from this year's Women's March

Thousands gathered on the anniversary of Donald Trump's inauguration anniversary -- not in celebration of the US President, but in rebellion of his one year in office

You guessed it, it was (also) the anniversary of the #WomensMarch.

Also read: Women's March: Thousands take to the streets against Trump

Many, including celebrities, took to the streets in different parts of the country to call out the president for his views on immigration, abortion, LGBT rights and women’s rights.

The protesters wore shirts and carried signs to voice their opinions and let's just say quite a few were brutally honest - not that we mind!

Not surprisingly, our Instagram newsfeed was flooded with posts of participants from the march. We put together a list of our faves, and here they are.

This woman is clearly done taking Trump's bs. So are we.

Because, let's be real, if we were to start there's so much ground to cover. TOO much.

Disclaimer: Only for math geniuses. Our equal rights do not take away from yours.

Is it really that hard to see us as human beings? Equal in all respects?

Yaaas! Recognising intersectional feminism! This is how we work together - in unison.

This little girl is already inspiration for all of us.

Let's ensure that there is no wall for the younger generation to tear down. Let's ensure we fight now so that they have equal rights.

This man knows what he's talking about.

And her! And her! And her! And every woman out there. We're for and with women everywhere.

No matter what anyone says, stand up for yourself.

And we plan on standing besides her, fighting till we have equality.

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