Updated 07 Dec, 2017 03:05pm

You missed something on TIME's 2017 Person of the Year cover

TIME magazine just named powerful campaign #MeToo its Person of the Year and there's an important detail many may have overlooked.

Featuring the women who stood up against sexual harassment and voiced their experiences, TIME magazine's December issue has prominent faces like Ashley Judd, Taylor Swift, Susan Fowler, Adama Iwu, and Isabel Pascual on the cover... and an elbow riiiight at the edge.

If you're wondering why the magazine chose to do this, TIME's National Correspondent Charlotte Alter appeared on Buzzfeed's show AM to DM to explain. "That's an anonymous woman... One of the reasons we wanted to do that is because as much as the stigma has been removed around the #MeToo movement, it's still really difficult for a lot of women to come forward.

"It's important to include people who have to stay anonymous for professional reasons, who don't have the resources, so we wanted to include the people to really reference the risk these women are taking by speaking out about this."

Twitteratis appreciated TIME's efforts at recognising the forces behind the movement.

Some believed, though, that the founder of the #MeToo movement should have been named Person of the Year:

The campaign made it to the list for shedding light on sexual harassment following the massive Harvey Weinstein scandal which hit Hollywood like a wave. The campaign empowered women to speak up about their sexual harassment experiences. It was the true definition of name and shame, which also highlighted dozens of other male leaders in Hollywood for sexual harassment.

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