Published 13 Oct, 2017 05:57pm

Taylor Swift is gearing up to launch her own social media platform

After taking a little hiatus for a year and laying low, Taylor Swift is back with a bang; she's got a new single, her album's dropping in a month and she's also in the App Store now.

That's right, the pop singer is now getting her own social media platform in the form of an app called The Swift Life.

In a preview she posted on YouTube, she said: "Hey guys it’s Taylor. I’ve got something pretty awesome that we’ve been working on for a while that I wanted to share with you."

The app, which basically looks like Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr had a baby, will feature her personalized set of emoji stickers called “Taymojis”, exclusive content and chance for fans to chat with one another as well as Taylor herself.

Screenshot from the preview vid

Signing off, Swift shares: "I think you guys are really going to like this. I mean, I hope. It would be preferable if you did.”

The Swift Life is set to launch in beta sometime in late 2017.

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