5 ways you might be damaging your skin during Ramazan

It's nearly the last week of Ramazan already. Is it just us or did time fly?
While some of us are reaping the benefits of this holy month, many have not been taking it too well and with three weeks in, it's starting to show.
Poor eating habits see a rise during Ramazan and for many, that will take a toll on them right after. But don't worry, we have enough time till Eid to rectify some of the damage done.
Here are some ways you may have damaged your skin during Ramazan and what you can do about it.
1) Skipping sehri

Yes, it's tough to wake up in the morning and you can't eat much that early anyway, but we all know what the food cycle is during Ramazan. When you skip sehri, you basically have only one proper meal in 24 hours. Your body is desperate for nutrients and while it is storing most of the content, causing bloating, it is also getting tired out. This will result in very dull skin, the type which can't be cured with a simple vitamin C pack. Trust us, we tried.
Make sure to have a meal at sehri, be it a small one. Let your metabolism be active for energy that is visible on your face.
2) Soft drinks during iftar

Iftar is your first meal after a long fast. Having carbonated drinks with a high sugar content along with your first meal is basically inviting bloating and ulcers. This also aids in premature ageing and that means emphasising wrinkles.
It's best to stick to water and freshly squeezed lemonade (with less) sugar when breaking fast. The key to good skin is always hydration.
3) Exercising right after iftar
So you're the fitness buff who wants to take advantage of Ramazan. However, when you work out right after iftar, you're doing one of the worst things possible to your body. During fasts our digestion system changes slightly and even waiting a bit before the work out is not enough. Sudden stress on the body will result in cramps and body ache (which is not the 'feel the burn' type of pain) and will also result in breakouts.
It's best to exercise before sehri , a good workout twenty minutes before you eat will keep you and your skin fresh and clear from toxins.
4) Too much salt during Ramazan
Many dishes need that pinch of salt to taste but for most dishes to taste good that pinch is more of a punch. Sprinkling salt on chola chaats or in chutneys. And, it pains us to say this, namkeen lassi.
Sometimes in sehri, we don't pay attention to what we're eating, having dinner leftovers that are high in salt content. While its okay (Still not okay, just a little better) to do this during normal days where you can make up for having heavily salted foods, in Ramazan, foods with high sodium content retains water and contributes to dry skin conditions.
Stick to raw foods with high water content and also look for high potassium rather than sodium, like bananas.
5) Sleeping right after sehri and iftar
Before you start giving us the "We don't even eat that much" excuse, realize that sleeping straight after a meal has never been good no matter what or when you ate.
But during Ramazan, you're eating after long periods of time, and lets face it, you can have the healthiest iftari in the world but you'll end up having a little too much. It might not even be the amount you usually eat but as long as we feel full, thats it.
To go to sleep immediately after eating is opening doors for all sorts of health conditions like heartburn, acid reflux and of course weight gain. This is especially possible because of being so common during sehri.
Let your body do its thing, stay up, talk to friends or watch some TV. Stay awake for a while before hitting the hay. You'll feel better when you wake up, trust us.
This article was originally published in June 2017.