This video tells the true story of a 13-year-old victim of the APS attack

December 16, 2014 is a date we can never forget.
Termed as the 'deadliest terror attack in Pakistan’s history', the tragic APS attack took the lives of at least 131 children, among 144 brutally killed in the school massacre in Peshawar. Mothers who sent their children to Army Public School & College that morning were unaware that that was the last time they'd see their children.
As the tragic date comes again this year, the Tehzeeb Foundation releases a tribute to the APS attack victims in the form of a music video titled 'Story of Gulsher'.
The video is based on the true story of 13-year-old Gulsher, who was killed in the APS attack. It shows how Gulsher's untimely death left his family bereft, but his enthusiasm for school inspired his younger brother Shamsher to continue his education.
The song, produced by Sharif Awan, features music by Arshad Mehmud, narration by Zia Mohyeddin, lyrics by Harris Khalique, vocals by Zoe Viccaji and backing vocals/sitar by Nafees Ahmed Khan.