Updated 03 Oct, 2016 05:38pm

What's the secret to the perfect selfie?

Instagram looking a little lacklustre? Gotta trust the pros when we have a problem!

Celebs know what they’re doing when they’re selfie-snapping, so here’s a list of tips and tricks that will help you up your selfie game in no time.

Find a bright spot, or...

Undisputed selfie queen Kim Kardashian says lighting can make or break a selfie. Kim K's advice is to hold a white napkin near your face to neutralise the camera's flash. Works like a charm!

Light is one of the most important elements to consider when taking photos especially selfies

If you're stuck in a poorly lit situation, you can dupe great lighting with Samsung J7 and J5’s front LED and selfie flash.

Spin around

J-Lo has another selfie hack for when lighting's bad.

Lopez says to “turn around in a circle until you find the best lighting before taking your photo.

Bow down to the original selfie queen

All that spinning got you dizzy? Samsung J7 and J5’s brighter front and rear cameras means you can take great selfies nearly anywhere!

It's all about the angle

Trust Kim K to have figured out the formula for the perfect selfie. She recommends that you a) Keep your chin down and b) Hold the camera up a bit higher than face level. Just like that, your features appear more streamlined.

Knowing your angles is half the battle

Is the angle getting a little awkward? When it’s hard to press the shutter button, Samsung J7& J5’s palm selfie option lets you snap that selfie with a simple gesture!

Get a selfie stick. No, really.

The tool is hardly discreet, but host/actor Anoushey Ashraf swears by the selfie stick: “A selfie stick is ideal for selfies because it helps make your face look smaller since the selfie is being taken from a distance. Everyone has a good side, get familiar with yours and then let the filters do their magic!”

You can't even see the selfie stick here; this girl's selfie game is strong!

Still not happy with your selfie? Samsung J7 & J5’s beauty mode lets you enhance your selfie and eliminate any problem spots with a few simple retouches.

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