Published 29 Feb, 2016 11:18am

Leo finally wins his first Oscar and the internet explodes

Leonardo Di Caprio finally walked away with an Oscar for Best Actor today, for his role in 2015's The Revenant.

Everyone thought it was a sure thing this time, but there's always a shadow of a doubt -- after all, Leo was nominated for an Oscar five times before securing this win.

The actor definitely made the most of his moment onstage as he proceeded to talk about the importance of recognising global warming and its effects on the planet. "Climate change is real, it is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world... who speak for all of humanity."

The actor added that we can't take the planet for granted anymore, and said of his Oscar win: "I don't take this for granted."

Fans and fellow actors heaped congratulations on Leo for his win as its widely acknowledged that the actor could've and should've won an Oscar for roles he's played before.

Kanye West, Oprah... even the White House gave Leo a shout out!

Of course, the funniest reactions were more creative.

There were the expected 'bear' jokes:

And the #OscarsSoWhite jokes, also expected:

Haters added their two cents:

Some people made use of Leo's more unfortunate pictures:

Oops, there's that bear again:

'True' fans had to have their say:

Some people speculated on the nature of Leo's after party vibes:

Some people thought they spotted secret messages...

But mostly, people were just thrilled:

Congrats Leo!

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