Published 31 Oct, 2015 01:57pm

Despite Reham Khan's absence, her film Jaanan's shoot goes strong

Reham Khan's departure from Pakistan after her split from her husband PTI Chairman Imran Khan may have put a question mark on the minds of some about the fate of her film Jaanan's production, but her co-producers are confident that its shoot will go on as planned.

"The film has Masha'Allah successfully completed its first spell; the entire production team is currently busy planning for the second spell which should hopefully start in a month's time," informed her co-producer Imran Kazmi of IRK Films about the film's current status. "As the popular phrase goes: 'the show must go on' - and putting all and any speculation to rest, I would like to say that this news will not affect the film in any manner whatsoever."

Although it is unclear when Reham will return to Pakistan, Kazmi hopes that she won't be gone for long.

"Reham should Insha'Allah be back soon," he continued, "But despite the initial minor roadblocks and setbacks which every production faces, our team is now completely in sync; everyone has their assigned tasks and I'm proud to say they are proficient enough to handle all production-related issues in either Reham's or my absence."

He added, "Our director Azfar Jafri, though concerned, is professionally unperturbed by this news and is currently working on creating the first-look teaser trailer for the film. This should be out soon."

Talking more about the initial phase of the shoot, Kazmi revealed, "Reham only had to visit the sets of Janaan a couple of times during the first spell. She and I both were incredibly impressed by the rushes we saw; the dedication of all the actors, our writer - who was with us during the shoot, the production team, director and our fantastic DOP Rana Kamran."

So, despite Reham's absence, Jaanan's remaining shoot continues as per schedule, says Kazmi:

"I don't think it's an appropriate time to discuss the level of her involvement in the remaining spell, given everything, but let me assure everyone who's reading: this is a project and story that is quite close to her heart. She and I conceived it together. I am fully committed to completing this project; Reham has complete faith in me and my team. As a parting note: she was, is, and will always be a part of Janaan. This is just the beginning of our collaborative efforts."

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