Published 20 Oct, 2015 05:38pm

HUM TV powerhouse Shahnaz Ramzi strikes out on her own

Shahnaz Ramzi is set to expand her work in the field of PR in Pakistan with a company of her own.

Ramzi has resigned from the Hum Television Network after a long 11-year association as the organisation's General Manager Public Relations and Publications to launch her own PR and event management company by the name of 'Starlinks'.

"Starlinks is a PR and event management company with a strong CSR component as I strongly feel that it is time all of us gave back to our country what we have got from it," she said to Images about her new venture.

"My son and daughter-in-law will be my right and left hands in this venture," she continued.

Elaborating on the name of the company, Ramzi said, "'Star' is the name of our parent company under which my husband has been operating his businesses and 'links' aptly describes the communication means we will use to deliver our messages, connect public with private sectors and various private sectors among themselves."

"'Star' also has a celebrity connotation and brings forth the element of brightness that it exudes on its canvas," she added.

Ramzi plans to launch the company after Moharram near the end of the year.

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