Updated 13 Sep, 2015 04:46pm

New-Delhi bound: Top 15 moments from Shaan-e-Pakistan 2015


After a smooth start on Friday, the three-day cultural event Shaan-e-Pakistan – heralded as a harbinger of harmony between Pakistan and India – is in full swing.

Held in New Delhi, the event is a mix of fashion exhibits, music, and food. The festival kicked of with Eik Shaam Pakistan K Naam where the audience was enthralled by the famous qawal Amjad Sabri.

While a week-long food festival at Eros Hotel is also on the cards, fashionistas are busy making sure that models displaying latest trends are geared up for the ramp.

Helmed by Huma Nassr whose brand Braahtii has stores both in Karachi and New Delhi, the initiative aims to promote cordial ties between both countries in order to open gateways for trade in future.

To get a taste of what’s happening across the border here are our favourite moments, curated from Instagram, that provide a sneak peek to the fest:

Our crew arrives in New Delhi

The Pakistani Crew for #ShaanEPakistan in #Delhi pictured here at the DLF Mall. #AamirMazharForSiddySays

A photo posted by The SiddySays Blog (@siddysays) on

Culinary expert Chef Gulzar promises to make Pakistan proud

Chef Gulzar live from #ShaanePakistan in #Delhi

A video posted by Good Times Magazine (@gt_magazine) on

Anoushey Ashraf, who hosted the opening night Aik Shaam Pakistan Kay Naam rocked it in Asifa Nabeel

#AnousheyAshraf wears #AsifaNabeel for #ShaanePakistan in #Delhi #stylefile #instadaily

A photo posted by Lace & Scotch (@lacescotch) on

Based on this selfie, our High Commissioner, Mr. Abdul Basit is (somewhat) cool.

Actor Javed Sheikh is not far behind

Our favourite ice cream soda makes someone's day!

My first Pakola in a decade and kindly stall guy at the #shaanepakistan sale refuses to take money. Khushi ke aansoo.

A photo posted by Aneela Z. Totally Filmy (@filmymama) on

All Qawali lovers united!

Practice makes perfect — rehearsals in full swing

#ShaanePakistan rehearsals is on peek #fashionista #fashion #fashionshow #delhi

A video posted by SaJid Sid (@sajid_sid83) on

It's all about the Midas touch

Backstage at #shaanepakistan #bts #hellopakistan #instafashion #makeup #hair

A video posted by HELLO! Pakistan (@hellopakistan) on

The (über patriotic) ramp

#shaanepakistan ramp is ready to rock

A photo posted by MovieShoovy (@movieshoovy) on

Nadia Hussain shares the ramp with B-Town actor Evelyn Sharma

Nadia and Evelyn on the #ShaanePakistan ramp ! #IndoPak #livefromDelhi

A photo posted by A WARDROBE AFFAIR (@awardrobeaffair) on

Asifa Nabeel concludes her show as 'Mahi Away Ga' plays in the background

@asifanabeel on ramp of #shaanepakistan in #India

A video posted by MovieShoovy (@movieshoovy) on

While designer Umar Sayeed ended on the beats of a *dholak*

#umerSaeed at ramp of #shaanepakistan in #India

A video posted by MovieShoovy (@movieshoovy) on

Rakesh Aggarwal come out with model Nadia Hussain:

#rakeshaggarwal on ramp of #shaanepakistan in #India

A video posted by MovieShoovy (@movieshoovy) on

But Ali Xeeshan's 'After Dark' stole the show

@Regram from @adenrehan - #afterdark After Dark at #shaanepakistan @alixeeshantheaterstudio 💕💕💕#Delhi #india #Regram

A photo posted by Ali Xeeshan (@alixeeshantheaterstudio) on

With the expo concluding tonight, here is to more of such events, because art and culture truly transcend borders.

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