Going loco for local: Siddiqui’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil could be your next kitchen staple

Aesthetically pleasing packaging and a high-quality product? Yes, please!
21 Jul, 2023

How do you review olive oil? This dilemma has been bothering me for weeks. I love olive oil — I use it to cook practically everything — but I don’t know how to review it, I have found.

Apropos of that, I’m reviewing Siddiqui’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil the best way I know how.

Olive oil isn’t cheap and if you get it for cheap, I’d be a bit concerned. Siddiqui’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Cold Pressed costs Rs3,400 for a 750ml bottle and Rs2,350 for a 500ml bottle, which is more expensive than other local options, but I wouldn’t really put these bottles in the same category as the plastic jugs and metal canisters available at the local grocery store. There’s nothing I hate more than a bad olive oil, especially one that isn’t packaged properly — read: in a proper glass bottle.

This product is just a tiny bit cheaper than the Borges Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is my go-to option, so that’s a plus. It also has a very nice bottle — sleek and with a cute label on it, so it’ll fit right in in your aesthetically pleasing kitchen.

My way of reviewing the olive oil was simple — cook with it. One thing I want when I use any cooking oil is for it not to overpower my food and this oil performed perfectly in that respect. I used it to toast some bread, make eggs and sampled it plain and I can honestly state that this is a good olive oil to cook with.

It isn’t overpowering but you still get that olive oil taste. It’s not messy, it doesn’t have an aftertaste (looking at some other local brands for this one) and it checks all the boxes for a product I’d want as a kitchen staple.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at imagesdawndotcom@gmail.com.

Going Loco For Local