
The wall of kindness: An Iranian venture to feed the poor comes to Pakistan

The wall of kindness: An Iranian venture to feed the poor comes to Pakistan

People donate clothes and food which are then stacked beside a wall on Karachi's MT Khan Road
25 Jan, 2016

Remember that Iranian initiative 'deewar-e-mehrbaani' or 'Wall of Kindness' where people handed out necessities to the homeless? The idea has now made its way to Pakistan.

The Iranian Wall of Kindness
The Iranian Wall of Kindness

The Pakistani leg of this venture is run by Ismat Ali, who is a lecturer by profession. "I was inspired by this setup in Iran. It has now gone to Germany as well. I believe that by showing a kind gesture one can have a peaceful life now and in the hereafter."

The idea is something like this: people donate clothes, food items and anything else they wish which are then stacked beside a particular wall in the city. In Karachi the first deewar-e-mehrbaani was set up at M. T Khan road on January 15 and got an overwhelming response from people in need who helped themselves.

A video from Facebook shows that the small space had stocked a variety of items ranging from clothes to shoes and eatables including juices and even cooking oil.

Ismat also told that she felt the need to do this because a majority of people show apathy toward those in need: "People are not coming out of their houses to help the less privileged so I took this step to do my share."

A chart pasted on the wall read: "Jis cheez ki zarurat ho le jayey, badle me sirf hurf-e-dua de jayey' (take away whatever you need in exchange for a word of prayer)."

Ismat added that the clothes placed at the wall were in mint condition and they made sure that those who took the things were not hesitant to partake of this charity.

"We told [people who came to collect items] them to take whatever they liked without hesitation. However we realised that most of them were in need of food items so the next time we plan a wall, we'll keep more rashan [rations] to cater to the demand," she explained.

Though many similar ventures start out strong they also tend to peter out after a few months. What about the wall? Ismat has high hopes and wishes to continue with her vision: "I'm very ambitious and we have inherited this drive from our father who has devoted his life to the needy. This journey will continue and maybe my children will continue it after me."

Karachi's volatile security situation doesn't seem to worry Ismat. "I'm not worried about security issues in Karachi because when you are doing something for the betterment of humanity I believe God helps you out."

As of now, Ismat wishes to take the initiative to Lahore and has aimed for 100 such 'walls' all over the city: "I plan offer two nawafil and share it with my friend. To have a 100 walls is my dream."

Ismat plans to hold the next drive in February in DHA.


Ahmad Jan 25, 2016 01:18pm
Its Beautiful, I will be a part of it when it comes to my City InshaAllah. Otherwise Ofcourse we got our Own Ways Of Helping Brothers & Sisters in Need. JazakAllah Ismat Mam. You earned baskets of Prayers I see. :)
Sajjad Razza Jan 25, 2016 01:23pm
May Allah Help you with your cause. Please create a FB page so many can take part in it. JAZAKALLAH !
S K SHARMA Jan 25, 2016 01:26pm
A noble idea & should be adopted universally
syed wasim haider Jan 25, 2016 01:27pm
A highly commendable job. May Allah give u reward.
S K SHARMA Jan 25, 2016 01:27pm
A noble idea & should be adopted universally
Sheena Jan 25, 2016 01:32pm
May God Bless her. The intentions are really good but what to do with our fears specially the corruption in every aspect of our life even charities are not spare from this undeniable fact. Specially in our society, There must be some credible names such as Edhi Sab/ Ansar Burni alike behind every such Charitable activity otherwise people who donate or people who ought to get benefit from this purely humanitarian idea are vulnerable to be of its misuse the most. Anyway my best wishes for the sister Ismat Ali.
Mehtar Jan 25, 2016 01:39pm
“You were ordered to obey to Allah, and you were create to perform good deeds.” Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S Best of Luck :)
Dr.Shahmir Baloch Jan 25, 2016 01:48pm
Well done Ismat. Continue with good work. May Allah give Ajar for this humanitarian work.
Hussain Rehber Jan 25, 2016 01:59pm
Great Initiative. Well done Keep it up!
asad Jan 25, 2016 02:19pm
great idea
Naxalite Jan 25, 2016 02:29pm
If i see it around me, i ll contribute. Good Move!
Dija Jan 25, 2016 02:35pm
Please do not take me wrong but reaching out to the ones who deserve the most is indeed the most difficult task; the idea is not only to gather the things; the prime objective it to deliver it to the most deserving....need to think on those lines as well....
khan Jan 25, 2016 02:41pm
Watch it! Someone will put everything including the wall itself, in a bag and walk away.
Sarfraz Mahmood Jan 25, 2016 02:59pm
Very commendable initiative. But, people of this country are not used to respecting such kind acts, and many people will take away more things than they actually need.
a Jan 25, 2016 03:12pm
I tell you a sad story. We donated a brand new quilt to a beggar who used to live in the market halls. A week later, I went to check on him and he was back in his old tattered rags, with the quilt no where to be seen. He said it got stolen as he went to the loo. I asked the shopkeepers around the place, some said he's right. Some said he sold it. Not sure how to react to that.
Fawzia Jan 25, 2016 05:22pm
As long as the deviants don't start taking free from charity and selling down the road.
rachel Jan 25, 2016 05:37pm
ah Jan 25, 2016 05:37pm
@a You shall not think what he did with it once you knew that he is a needy person! Had Eidhi sahab thought in that way or other charity organization, they will cease to exist.
M. Siddique Jan 25, 2016 05:45pm
God bless the initiators. This should spread all over.
issak Jan 25, 2016 06:56pm
mashalla. it's a inspirational to see the haves share their their kindness to the haves nots...the economic situation has kept many in poverty who have had to make sacrifices in life ...western countries already run food banks which provide such services so that people don't fall between the cracks as the governments can only provide basic social safety net ...
AA Jan 25, 2016 07:03pm
@a even if he sold it he probably used the money to buy food or ease his hard life in some way...let's not stop giving
Abdul waheed khan Jan 25, 2016 10:10pm
Wow that's so kind
haiderali Jan 26, 2016 01:17am
jazakallah, May Allah extend His bounties and mercies to you for this noble service.
Bhatti Jan 26, 2016 02:16am
Well done Professor. You are one good example of humanity personified. Keep it up!
Vijay Jan 26, 2016 03:06am
@a When you give a gift, it is no longer your property. What the recipient does with the gift is his/her problem. I learned this principle the hard way myself.
Mohammed Ali Rizvi Jan 26, 2016 05:49am
Amazing! One ought to try contribute new or barely used stuff! In a Mosque here in Toronto, I notice people some times, (not always) tend to drop off stuff which is barely useful. That should not be! I Wish your venture to be very very successful, full of Love & affection!
NHA Jan 26, 2016 06:13am
It is certainly a good idea.
Syed Jan 26, 2016 06:41am
@Ahmad yeah bro you are right, but why not you start it by yourself and why you should wait for someone to bring it to your city...cmon you can initiate it in your own city.
sherjeel mujtaba Jan 26, 2016 02:19pm
Really brilliant. why to wait to come to your city .. start it today from your self. Inshallah.
hamna qazi Jan 26, 2016 02:48pm
Its a remarkable initiative and I would love to extend my services for this noble cause. I reside in Lahore thus wold start off from here, Kindly tell me the procedure. Regards Hamna